Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How You Can Get Rich from the Property and Stock Markets

1. This is rather an easy to understand book about money and wealth management. Investment in properties and stock markets are the ways proposed in building wealth in this book.

2. I like the part about crisis investing at the end of the book. It shows how easy money can be made during crisis but you'll need to be prepared for the opportunity.

3. As any other property investment books, this book also describes the advantages of property investment besides describing what's possible from stock market investment. As a person who is not familiar with the stock market, of course I'm impressed with the possibilities and easy method.

4. The first part of this book describes about the author and his background. He seems to stress a lot on taking advice from independent and the right persons. Independent means not unit trust consultants, insurance agents etc. Right person means those who have made their money through stock market and property investments. That way you can be sure of getting advice to the best interest of your financial needs.

5. If you are exploring on new ways and idea to make money then read this book.


buycheapantivirus said...


look like you do lots of review on property books. can i know who is the writer of this book?

gerbert said...

the book is by milan doshi

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