Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Simple things

Few things that you can do to better our environment:

1. Separate your wastes. You just need a bag for paper wastes and a bag for cans/bottles wastes. That's not too much to ask isn't it?

2. Print on used paper unless it's for official submission. I believe most of the printers in the offices nowadays have bypass tray. So make full use of this to insert used papers for printing.

3. Use cloth bags during shopping and reuse these bags. That will make a huge difference. You will always get cloth bags whenever you go for exhibitions.

4. Plant a tree, be it vegetables or fruits.

5. Read newspapers online unless you like looking at adverts. Contents are the same. Just that hardcopy newspapers has advert all over it. So why waste?

6. Refuse on paper bills such as phone bills or banking statement. Whenever you can, insist on e-bills. I bet you don't even bother to go thru the whole bill.

7. Refuse on receipts at ATM machines when you withdraw money. The only info you can get from the receipt is just your account balance. The receipts will be thrown away anyway. You can always check online for your balance or worst come to worst, insert your ATM card again and enquire your account balance.

8. Print on both sides of papers whenever you can. With the latest available printers in the market, I believe this can be easily done.

9. When driving long distance, try to maintain your speed at RPM 3.0. You'll get optimum speed & fuel consumption. I've tried with MyVI & Vios. It seems to work.

10. Use plastic bags you get from shopping as garbage bags. You don't need to buy garbage bags anymore. Save money, save environment

You can make a different!

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